Screened Cultivars
Increase Growth
& Productivity
As mother plants age, traditionally cloned plants can begin to show signs of viral or pathogen load, creating undesirable traits and lowering yields. Using our technology and expertise, we provide licensed cultivators with genetically superior, true-to-type cannabis clones on a commercial scale. Our premium clones, from both popular and emerging genetic lines, produce more uniform crops as every plant is identical and free from virus or pathogen. Our client’s operations will benefit from stable, vigorous, disease-free plants that produce higher yields, and more uniform levels of THC and terpenes. We take the stress and worry out of trying to produce your own clones, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
Our Cloning Services include
two levels of production:
TC-1 and TC-0

TruClones are produced from our own Meristem stock, which allows us to propagate healthy first-generation clones. These plants are ideal for our contract customers who need cyclical ordering. Growers can take down a Room and replace the plants with clones we deliver, or customers can use our TC-1 Tweens (31-44 day old plants) or Teens (45-60 day old plants) which are ready to flower.

PurClones are produced directly from our Tissue Culture lab material. These plants have never been outside of the lab or exposed to any pest or pathogens. These plants are best suited for growers who want to build their own clean nursery or veg stock.

Mother Stock Provisions
Mother rooms are one of the leading vectors of disease, pest infestation, contamination and are a costly footprint in your valuable real estate. Our pest and pathogen-free Mothers are produced in our sterile lab to the optimum size desired by growers.
Libby420’s Mother Stock Provision program ensures quality performance by only using cuttings derived from TC-0 tissue culture mother plants. Choose genetics from our ever-expanding Genetic Collection or utilize your own genetics for a customized program that will provide continual renewal of your in-house mother stock. Focus your resources on production plants, not preserving and maintaining the lineage of your mother plants.
PurClone mother stock should be replaced every 3-6 months based on container size and cloning quantity or frequency.
Get Trusted Experience &
Significant ROI with Libby420 Clones

Eliminate waste and
get year-round supply for
consistent harvests

Verified plants are free
of pathogens and resistant
to degradation
of desirable traits

Increase growth and
productivity with genetically
stabile, vigorous clones

All genetics are certified
clean and tested by
trusted 3rd party partners

Make your operation
more efficient and profitable
while reducing risk

Maintain and protect
your proprietary genetics
with Libby420’s PurLab
sterile storage

All genetics are
by a third-party pathogen report prior to
being released from our state-of-the-art facility.

Viroid Testing
All of our genetics have been tested for at least 3 viroids with additional screenings for presence of pathogens. We strive to lead with new viroid testing as new data comes into our industry.
Our 3 Virus Panel tests include:
Cannabis Cryptic Virus, Lettuce Chlorosis Virus, and Hop Latent Viroid.
Our typical Pathogen Panel includes:
Powdery Mildew, Russet Mite, Botrytis and Fusarium.
Additional Screening Available:
Beet Curly Top, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Cryptic Cannabis Virus
Programmed Production
Libby420 can provide you with Tissue Culture Clones, Tweens, Teens and Moms scheduled around your production. We continually adapt our process and selection to meet the diverse needs of growers large and small.
Learn how our partner program can help you increase production and scale quickly.